A Week Without Wifi…
So, this past weekend we decided we were going to rent a tiller and tear up the side of our yard where we recently had a large tree removed so we could get the ground ready for new sod (we’ve laid sod before, but we’ve never had to tear up old sod and what not beforehand). Well, we somehow managed to slice up our Fios cable in the process… so we are currently without cable and internet for most of this week until Verizon can come out and replace the cable. I never realized how much I use the internet while at home. Thank goodness we have seasons of some of our favorite shows on DVD! With that said, I don’t think I’m an important enough blogger to go sit at Starbucks every night to write posts, so I will be off the grid for the remainder of this week. I snuck over to my parents house tonight to use their wifi.
I will be back next week and will have to share pictures of this “home project” we decided to take on…word to the wise – do not prep and re-sod your yard yourself, pay someone, it isn’t that much more expensive and you will regret diy-ing it 30 minutes in…especially if you live in Florida and it’s hot as balls all the time.
This was my life for about 5 hours yesterday afternoon, and yes, I have an awful sunburn to match my attire…and quite a few sore muscles. #PrincessProblems as my husband would probably say. Was your weekend as fun-filled as mine? 🙂
I hope everyone has a beautiful week!