Welcome to Simply Otte! [Pronounced AH-tee]
I’m Kirsten, a Florida girl currently living in the Pacific Northwest. I enjoy the beach, puppies, chocolate, all things pink, traveling, donuts, yoga, and spending time with my family.
My life currently revolves around my family, as I guess I’m officially a “stay at home mom” now. I’m a wife, and a parent of two sweet babies who are constantly teaching me new things about myself and this exciting world we live in. Parenthood is hard sometimes, and I joke that I’m navigating it one Google search at a time… but I think we all can agree that’s pretty much how it goes for most parents nowadays. I love traveling and exploring with my family, and sharing our experiences and tips I pick up along the way here on Simply Otte.
You can contact me via the Connect section above. Don’t forget to subscribe over on the right to stay up to date with our latest adventures! Thanks for reading!
Karen Rees
Hey Kirsten, such a lovely blog! Just wanted to stop by and say a quick thanks for following Confetti & Curves. So great meeting new blog buddies to keep up with! Looking forward to reading your future posts 🙂 Karen xo
Thank you, Karen! I love making new blog buddies too and I love your site! You do a great job at posting consistently – something I’m still working on. Lol. Thanks for dropping by to say hello! 🙂
Karen Rees
Awwwh thank you so much Kirsten 🙂 That’s so lovely of you to say!! Ooh it takes a while to get a good routine going, you’ll get there 😉 We all do somehow lol So very welcome – great to meet you <3 XXX