How To Make Puppy Chow (For Humans!)
Puppy chow. Monkey munch. White trash. Chex with powdered sugar. Most of you have probably had this snack at some point in your life, but it has about 110 different names, so you may or may not know what I’m talking about. Personally, I’ve always called it puppy chow since my neighbor’s mom made it when I was like, ten years old. This snack is pretty easy to make and super delicious! I love that you can make it for any occasion, even holidays! I just add festive M&Ms to the mix and voilà: you have Christmas puppy chow, Halloween or fall puppy chow, Valentine’s Day puppy chow, or any other event you can think of. It’s usually my go-to “dish” to bring whenever I hang out with my girlfriends… and yes, we devour it. Here’s how to make it:
- 8 cups of plain Chex Mix
- 1 cups of chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup of peanut butter
- 1/4 cup of butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1.5-2 cups of powdered sugar (depending on your preference)
1. Melt chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter in the microwave for 1 minute. Stir. Add vanilla extract and put in for another 30 seconds or until smooth.
2. In a large bowl with the Chex, mix in the melted mixture and stir. You can do it all at once, but I prefer to do half of the cereal and mixture, and then do the other half.
3. Pour mixture into a large Ziploc bag (like I said above, I do this in two halves) and add the powdered sugar. Start with 1.5 cups and then add more if you want it to be extra covered.
4. Close and shake bag until the cereal is well-coated with the powdered sugar.
5. Spread out on parchment paper to cool
6. You can store in a bag or covered bowl until served. I personally think it’s better after a few hours of making it because the cereal gets a little softer.
Have you had this tasty treat before? What do you call it?