Life Update: We’re Moving Again!

October and November have been full of changes the past several years – in 2016 I had a baby, 2017 I found out that I was pregnant again AND we moved across the country, and this year will be another eventful season! Due to an exciting job promotion, we’ll be relocating again, and this time we’re going to the Pacific Northwest! We’ve been in SoCal for just under a year, and it’s been fun exploring, but I’m really looking forward to a change.

We went up this week to house hunt, and it was amazing seeing all of the fall colors! I’m so excited to live somewhere that has seasons, even if one of those seasons is daily rain and no sunshine… but that’s what the vitamin D supplements are for, right? LOL

With two large dogs, we will have to drive (like we did last time). But this time our car will have two adults, a baby, a toddler and two dogs. So wish us luck! We are excited for this new adventure and experiencing another new city as a family.

Here are some pics from our quick trip up there

When in Seattle… Pike’s Place

He certainly didn’t mind all the layers ?
The German chocolate donut was AMAZING

I couldn’t stop looking out the window at all of those colors!

What are your favorite things to do and see in the Pacific Northwest?? Recommendations are always welcome!

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