Mani Monday: Quickest Mani with imPRESS Nails
I remember many many years ago when I was too young to get acrylic nails at the salon so I would use those stick on nails that came in dress up beauty kids or that you can buy at the grocery store that last a whole 2 days before one pops off. Anyone else remember those? I usually went for a french manicure because that was pretty much the only option back then. Well, I recently had the opportunity to try an imPRESS Manicure and it took me back to those days when life was simple and my biggest decision to make was what cartoon to watch on Saturday morning and if I wanted 3 or 4 chocolate chip pancakes at breakfast (pre-slow metabolism, of course), except this time, the nails didn’t only come in French and they lasted more than 2 days! Since these nails come in a reasonable length (not very long, which I love) I would recommend making sure your real nails are short enough when you put these on so they aren’t too close to the end of the fake nail.
I had a lot of fun trying out these nails and I learned more about the brand too! imPress uses an innovative PSA, (Pressure Sensitive Adhesive), which eliminates key barriers such as nail damage, ease of application, and product reliability while UltraHold™ technology introduced a safe-on-nails adhesive, ending the need for glue and acetone-soak removal. So these things are easy to apply and won’t damage your nails when they are removed (one of the issues I have with gel manicures). Another positive is that they only take a few minutes to put on! So, if you just realized your nails look terrible and you have a hot date or important meeting you can get a fresh mani in minutes! No need to wait at a salon or attempt to slather on some polish at home that you know is going to get ruined anyways because we can’t just sit still forever while the polish dries. Not only are they faster, but they are cheaper than going to the nail salon… only $8! (Only thing missing is that great hand massage)
imPRESS offers a lot of different colors and can be purchased at your local drugstore, like Walgreens. My favorite color set is the Symphony set which is a light pink with gold designed accent nails, I will definitely be picking that up to have on hand next time I need my nails to look perfect right away. Have you tried these nails yet? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments!
This is a sponsored post, but all opinions are my own.
You can really pull these off! I find that on some people these look really fake on them, inclusive of me since I have such small nails/hands to begin with, and I find filing them to fit just takes too long and too much effort!
Love this design and colour too! 🙂
Thank you! I know exactly what you mean! I usually have the opposite problem and the nails are usually too small for my hands! Haha. I was really relieved to find that imPRESS comes with 24 nails total, so there were a lot of different size options to choose from. Thanks for stopping by! Xoxo
Nice product, I had never heard of these before, thank you! 🙂 x
I’m very impressed with the quality! Hope you enjoy! ?