My Life Lately: A Weekend Full of Fun, Love, and Cleaning
This was our third busy weekend in a row, and our house was definitely feeling it after two weeks of traveling all over the place; especially since I hate unpacking, so it’s pretty much been a disaster all of October. Saturday morning I took the pups for a stroll, and then I went to a tea party hosted by my friend Jessica for her bridesmaids and we had a great time! She’s getting married this weekend and I’m so super excited for her and for this new adventure she is about to embark on! While I don’t feel like married life is much different than unmarried life (we already lived together before we tied the knot and we’d been together for 5 years, so it didn’t feel much different), it’s still a really exciting thing to be able to call yourself “newlyweds” and act all mushy and lovey-dovey. Though I guess we aren’t really newlyweds anymore since we’ve officially been married for more than year, but it still feels like we are.
Anyway, so last week we celebrated our anniversary in St. Croix, and this weekend we got to continue the celebration at the hotel where our wedding took place! (My wedding post is here) The hotel gives all newlyweds a complimentary stay for their one year anniversary, so of course we couldn’t pass that up! It was a pretty quick trip but it was very relaxing and nice to just spend more time with each other (even though we do that all the time anyways. Haha). There was a wedding going on Saturday night, so we snuck out to the tea garden after the ceremony to see the setup and it was beautiful! I loved reliving our wedding weekend while we were there, and having breakfast there reminded me of how excited and happy we were the day after our wedding; I was still on such a wedding high that I wasn’t even hungry last time we were there so I ordered oatmeal that I barely touched, but this time I made sure to get my fair share and had the delicious brunch buffet. The day after our wedding the chef sent out a special dish for us of the most delicious coconut macaroon things (I’m not entirely sure what they’re called) and even though I wasn’t hungry, I couldn’t help but eat them because they were so good! We asked if they still made those for our breakfast this year but they didn’t 🙁 They said they could do a coconut cake, but we declined (not like I needed any more sweets after that buffet anyways). We had planned on lounging by the pool after breakfast, but the weather was a little overcast and windy so we decided to just take a stroll by the water (where we saw dolphins, my favorite!) and then head home to tackle the disaster that was created over the past few weeks. Thank goodness for our Roomba! (I highly recommend anyone with pets invest in one!) Now they just need to create one that can put away my clothes and shoes and do the dishes and I would be set!
I hope everyone had a great weekend too!!! I can’t believe Halloween is just 13 days away and then it will practically be Christmas! Here’s some pics from my weekend 🙂
Many many years ago when I first got on Pinterest (when you still needed an invite from someone or you were on the waiting list) I saw this idea to take a picture every year with a picture of your previous year’s anniversary. So, we will try to make this a tradition so one day we can look back and have many pictures of pictures. Lol.

This hotel is 90 years old this year! You can tell when you walk through the hotel that it’s old, but in a good way. Supposedly there’s even some haunted rooms!

The hotel has a marina and this awesomely-named boat was docked there… adding this to my Pinterest dream house board asap!
During our stroll along the water, we saw some of my favorite animals swimming very close to the shore wall… dolphins! It was a great way to end our trip and we can’t wait to go back.