My Life Lately: An Overdue Life Update
So, I’ve been MIA pretty much all year! I was debating for a while if I wanted to continue blogging, and then I found out that I was pregnant in February and at that point all I ever wanted to do was sleep, so blogging was put aside. I’ve finally started to feel up to it again, and hopefully I will stick with it this time. Not much has happened this year, especially since finding out that I’m pregnant. I had no idea I was until I went for my annual check up and the doctor called the next day to tell me I needed to come back in for more blood work to confirm it. The next day I went in and that night I started getting sick, so I think we would have figured it out soon enough even if I hadn’t gone to the doctor. I was pretty much sick every single day of the first trimester, and just wanted to sleep all.the.time! Then in the second trimester I wasn’t sick but was still always tired, now that I’m in the third I have a lot more energy that I’m trying to use to prepare for baby! Oh, and it’s a girl! We are so excited and can’t wait to meet her! Here are some pics from our announcement that we took when I was about 14 weeks along. The pups even got in on a few shots!

Photography by Bonnie Newman Creative