My Life Lately… Beach Time!
So, if you read my last post about a week ago, you probably know that we were TV and Wifi-less all week. I didn’t think it would be too difficult going 6 days without wifi until I needed to pull an image off the Internet to put into my brother-in-law’s rehearsal dinner invitations and couldn’t do it. Or when I thought “oh I don’t have TV, that’s OK I’ll just watch Netflix.” Nope, can’t do that either. With that said, here’s a little recap of my last week and some thoughts I’ve come across. Welcome to the rambling mind of a 25-year-old girl… (sorry in advance for the long post of randomness!)
Like I said in my last post, we had a large oak tree removed a couple weeks ago in the front yard, and we’ve never really had grass on that side of the yard because the oak tree wouldn’t allow it to grow. So, after we got it removed we knew we needed to lay new sod. Well in order to put down sod, we had to till the ground, and it wasn’t as easy as we thought. After tilling the entire yard, we decided it probably would’ve been more simple to just hire someone to do it. This is one of the areas that my husband and I are opposites in, he would rather hire someone to do things, and I would rather learn how to do it myself. It’s not that he’s lazy by any means, he just knows that a professional should be able to do it better than we can, but…practice makes perfect, right? While we (well, he…) were tilling the yard, the Verizon Fios cable got chopped up in several pieces, and Verizon wasn’t able to come out until Friday afternoon. Luckily, the week went by quickly and it felt pretty productive week.
My brother-in-law’s wedding is in October, and my mother-in-law was having a hard time finding invitations that she really liked, so I offered to try to make them for her. I am by no means a professional, but I have made event invitations and other paper goods in the past, and I’m always up for an opportunity to get some Adobe practice in. The rehearsal dinner is going to be at a Chinese restaurant that is decorated like a French restaurant… Weird, I know but supposedly it’s pretty good. Lol. So choosing an invitation theme was a little hard. Naturally, I was never fully satisfied with the invitation but everyone else said that it looked great, so that’s what we went with.
After a fast-paced, wifi-free week, we got to spend a couple days at the beach in Englewood. We’ve been there couple times, and it’s one of the best places to go for a quiet relaxing weekend in a secluded beach town. There’s hardly any distractions there, no shopping (other than some small beach shops), just a few restaurants, and you get the shark tooth covered beach to yourself most of the time. It’s definitely a “locals community”, so don’t worry about swarms of tourists. Of course, I somehow forgot to bring my camera with me, even though I specifically thought about it the whole night before. So I had to use my iPhone to take pictures all weekend… I’ve really grown tired of Apple products over the past few years, after realizing that they’re built to last about two years before crapping out. I understand why, they come out with a new product every year and if their products lasted forever, you wouldn’t need to buy the new products. But as a consumer, it’s really starting to annoy me. I’ve been thinking about switching to a Samsung Galaxy phone for a while now, but I’m so invested in Apple products like my phone, tablet and computer, that I’m not sure how difficult it would be to transition. I do believe however, that Apple has the most user-friendly interface of most electronic systems, and that I do appreciate.
Here’s some pictures of our weekend at the beach:
The water was perfect and crystal clear all weekend!
We took the boat to Cabbage Key to grab lunch one day and met this little tortoise that reminded me of a dinosaur. Lol
Cabbage Key restaurant is only accessible by boat but it’s a fun little trip to make! The inside is decorated with dollar bills that people write on and then tape up. We’ve been here a few times before but we couldn’t find our old dollars. So, we made new ones.
We taped our dollars together so hopefully they’ll be easier to spot next time, whenever that is
We saw a lottt of dolphins when we were out on the boat. I had a hard time catching a shot of them though because I would get distracted watching them and then I couldn’t get a picture. Fun fact: dolphins are my absolute favorite animal 🙂
Sea turtle nests are all over the beach around this time of year, which means no lights after the sun goes down, so we had to close all of the curtains in the house so no light shined out. If you’re not familiar with this – sea turtles use the light of the moon to find their way to the ocean, and artificial lights from humans can trick them so no one is allowed to have lights on/visible after dark.
Everyday the sunset was stunning. The colors in the sky were gorgeous and this time the sun was a bright pink, I loved it!
I’ve also been really lazy with my blog, and I do apologize to the few of you who actually follow it. I actually really enjoy blogging and I find it to be fun and exciting and interesting. I read other people’s blogs all day long, but I’ve had a hard time focusing on my own. I am a very competitive person, I can turn any single event into a competition and I will think of ways that I can beat someone at it. So when I read other blogs that are so awesome and full of great content, I feel like there’s no way mine will ever be that interesting. I posted a quote on Instagram the other day that says “do not base your chapter 1 on someone else’s chapter 20.” I’m definitely guilty of doing this, but I am going to really make a conscious effort to work on that, and just “do me” as the teenyboppers are saying these days.
Wow, lots of thoughts. Well, that’s the unedited inside of a 25-year-old girls mind. Speaking of, I’m writing this as I go for a long walk on the trail, I’ve gone almost 4 miles (all while dodging lizards). Which is probably why I have been rambling on so long. I usually don’t go for such long walks, but I did eat four cinnamon pop tarts right before I left, so hopefully I’m burning some of that away. My husband is actually texting me where I’ve been because I’ve been gone so long. Lol. Going on long walks like this is nice, I think I will start doing it more often, especially since the Florida fall weather is starting to roll in. Usually I will take my pups for a walk, but I can’t walk this far with them. I’m sure they’re fully capable of walking more than 3 miles, but I just feel bad and don’t want them to over-exert themselves.
Anyway, that’s about all I’ve got for today, it’s time to go catch up on The Whispers and Bachelor in Paradise. This post has helped me realize that I really need to make more of an effort on posting on my blog, because it is something that I do truly enjoy and would like to keep up for a long time. I have so many ideas and thoughts in my head of what I want to put on here, I just need to actually take the time to do it. And I have to make many new friends along the way!
I hope everyone has an awesome rest of the week!