My Life Lately… Happy October!
Happy October!!! I can’t believe I just said that…this year has literally flown by! But, it has definitely been a great year, and now we are coming up on our 1st wedding anniversary. So exciting! October has always been my favorite month; the weather changes, I call it Florida fall (nothing like fall in other states, but it’s perfect for me), there’s pumpkin spice everything and Halloween decor in the stores… even though it’s been there for a month already and is now right next to the Christmas decor *eye roll* I have such a hard time walking around the stores and not buying all of the Halloween decorations I see! I love Christmas decor too, but if I had to choose one, I’d rather decorate for All Hallows’ Eve. When we got married last October, we were so busy the whole month getting ready for the wedding, and then having the wedding and our honeymoon, and I felt like I didn’t really get to enjoy my favorite month of the year. I said “next year we are going all out and decorating our new house for Halloween and enjoying the month”… well, apparently everyone wants an October wedding (it is one of the best months weather-wise for weddings) so our October is full and busy yet again this year.
Not that I’m complaining, I get to stand beside one of my oldest friends as she ties the knot with her perfect match, I get to be with my family and watch my husband stand beside his brother as he says I do, and we even managed to fit in a short vacation to celebrate our own marriage! I’m just hoping no more hurricanes form in the Atlantic before our trip to the Virgin Islands! We had a hurricane hit the last day of our honeymoon in Hawaii, but I guess we were lucky because the weather was absolutely perfect up until that day, and we got out right before flights were cancelled. I would have loved to go back to Hawaii this year, but travel time alone is 2 days, and with everything else going on, it wasn’t reasonable with our work schedules/vacation time.
Next on my list of places to go – Greece is at the very top, along with Thailand, but Joe isn’t too crazy about that one. I will just keep my fingers crossed one of them works out in the near future. One of the few things I hate about traveling is leaving my pups. I know they are well taken care of and we are lucky to live so close to family that loves them, but I wish they could come everywhere with us… I know, I have attachment issues to my dogs… I can’t imagine how bad it’ll be when I have children. Haha. If they weren’t so ginormous, I would totally be one of those people that gets their pets approved as “emotional distress companions” or whatever it is people do to get to take their dogs everywhere.
Point is, I love October and I love my dogs. Anyways, nothing too exciting has really been going on lately. We finally got our grass done on the side of the house! Something only a homeowner would get excited about. Haha. But, it took forever because of all the rain, no one could get the sod. Thank goodness we decided to hire a company to lay it, it wasn’t really much more than it would have been if we bought the sod and laid it ourselves. I came home one day and had a green yard, score! Oh, and I’m on Season 5 of Grey’s Anatomy! So, I’m almost halfway through. I just saw the episode where everyone finds out that Izzy has stage 4 cancer. I’m kind of glad I already know all of the big spoilers for the show, it makes it less sad when it happens. Haha. But Grey’s seriously takes up like, 3-4 hours of my night most days and it distracts me from working on blog posts. I’ve only had this blog for about 5 months now, so I’m still a newbie and I’m just figuring out what works best for me and what it is I want to talk/write about. Always a work in progress…such is life, right?
What are you looking forward to doing this month?