My Life Lately- Welcome Back

I just realized that my very last post happened to be the same morning I ended up going in for my 38 week appointment, only to be sent to the hospital for a c section. I still can’t believe it was that long ago!

Well, a lot has changed since I last posted! I had a baby. I quit my job to spend more time with that baby, and to pursue a passion. I started a business. I found out my first baby is going to be a big sister next year. And I’m about to leave the city I’ve called home for almost 3 decades to move across the country where I won’t know anyone.

So, I figured it’s probably a good time to get the blog up and running again to document this newest adventure! I’m thinking about changing the name and layout, but that’ll have to be after we get settled in our new place. Hopefully there won’t be anymore 13 month gaps in my posts this time around ?

Oh, and when I say “about to move across the country” I mean like, tomorrow! Wish me luck!



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