The Bachelorette Week 9 Recap
The episode started with the Nick and Shawn drama we left off with last week, which unfortunately did not end the way I had hoped… with a good brawl.
Next up was Ben for his overnight date with Kaitlyn, the day right after her overnight with Nick, I’m not sure how no one else finds that a little gross. They traveled around Ireland on some pretty horses, fed some long-haired donkeys, had a few drinks, and then had dinner in an awesome 19th century castle, where the fantasy suite was also located. Ben had a sweet little toast to Kaitlyn, where he mentioned she’s never let him down…well, he doesn’t know she’s slept with Nick, at least twice now.
Ben also revealed that he just turned 26 while on the show, making Kaitlyn a total cougar at age 30. However, he seems very mature for a 26 year old, I mean, I’m 25, and he’s got me well beat. Their night ends with the closing of the door… as usual… but let’s be honest, we know they did not do the deed. Ben is too nice of a boy for that.
Kaitlyn – “I slept for about 30 minutes”… puhlease we know you were up late playing Scrabble or watching TV Land!
Finally it’s time for Shawn’s overnight date! The only one I’ve actually been waiting to see, and I assume everyone else too, that’s why it was last. They start off with a golf date, because apparently Shawn really likes golf. She gifted him an incredibly bright outfit, which was on the grass by the end of the game. I have a hard enough time finishing 9 holes, so after 18 holes, a fun game of truth or dare is in order. Or, a game of just one dare, because that’s as far as they got before Shawn was playing naked golf in Ireland.
At their romantic dinner, she has to bring up the Nick situation. I’m telling you, Nick is on the show for drama. Even though Shawn is obviously getting fired up, they decide to stay in the suite together, and the doors shut. UGH. I have a hard time believing that they didn’t stay up all night, and they weren’t playing Scrabble. As a Bachelor(ette) newbie, I hate that they won’t tell us if they did or didn’t!
After this possibly good, possibly bad, night with Kaitlyn, Nick approaches Shawn on his way back home. Hello, more camera time! Naturally, Shawn has no desire to talk to Nick again, so the convo didn’t last long. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, Nick.
Kaitlyn looks hottt in her long, skin tight, red dress at the last real rose ceremony! Making it sting that much more once she gives out the two roses to….
Rose #1 – Nick
Rose #2 – Shawn
POOR BEN! Please be the next Bachelor! You know how girls have a knack for picking the wrong guys while the nice guys are chasing them? That’s Kaitlyn right now. Shawn does really like her, but I have a feeling he can be a little psycho.
While Kaitlyn was telling Ben goodbye, Nick and Shawn were left in the room to drink alone… it was awkward.
Next up, and the last major task (I think), Kaitlyn meets the families. Nick’s family has already met one Bachelorette, and after meeting Kaitlyn, they say that it seems different this time. But obviously they are still pretty cautious, and most of them shed a few tears before the couple came in. Even his younger sister Bella, though I haven’t figured out why she was crying.
Nick decided to tell Kaitlyn that he loves her in this episode… but I’m pretty sure just last week, or the week before maybe, he was saying something along the lines of “a lot needs to happen before I can propose at the end of this.” Yawn. She didn’t say it back, of course.
Next up was Shawn’s family. The whole vibe of this family meeting seemed so different and natural and real compared to Nick’s, but that could just be good editing. Both of Shawn’s sisters seemed to use the words “yeah” and “mhmm” a lot and didn’t really say too much more. I got the feeling that the sisters were Bachelor(ette) fans, so they probably already knew everything about her anyways.
Shawn and his dad totally matched in their little gray button downs, but then his dad wanted to “talk” and we thought it was about to get real really quick! He says “what the hell is going on? This is nuts!” “How much time have you actually gotten to spend with her” – fair question, if you ask me! The real answer is probably less than a total of 48 hours… but Shawn said “a lot” kind of. His dad ultimately gives him his blessing, because he’s a guy, and that’s what guys do.
Apparently Shawn has not told her that he loves her yet, I guess we’ve just known he does for so long that I didn’t even realize that he hasn’t told her “I love you” yet. Well, after she hit it off with his family, he let the L word come out. But she didn’t say it back to him either.
After having great visits with the families, we end the episode with Kaitlyn saying that she’s so confused, what’s new? Now there’s a 2 week break until we find out who she will decide to spend the rest of her life with, or at least the next month or so, as I hear that many of these relationships don’t work out anyways. Shocking, I know.
Who do you think she is going to pick?? My money is still on Shawn, but there’s mixed rumors in the media that make me wonder if she will pick anyone to be honest! Let me know what you think in the comments below!
I wish we were saying goodbye to Nick this week….

Too good! My Monday nights have never been the same since Kaitlin came into my life lol granted, I’m on a yoga retreat for the last few weeks of the season so these recaps help me keep up to date in all the juicy gossip. Thanks girl! Nice synopsis!! ?
Thank you! I’m glad I can help you get your weekly fix! Though a yoga retreat does sound super relaxing! This is my first season watching, so I hope the next seasons are as good as hers. Enjoy your retreat! ?
Stay tuned for men tell all! Haha